Thursday, July 2, 2009

Punishment for the Poor

I have noticed a growing trend in America that truly disgusts me. There seems to be a huge amount of legal penalties for people that are struggling.

One such penalty would be for the person who allows his car insurance to lapse. If your car insurance lapses you have to pay a fee to have it fixed. Then you get a letter from the DMV stating that your license has been suspended. Next you get to pay a big fat fine to have it reinstated. Would it have just been cheaper to pay your insurance on time? Sure. Nevermind the fact that you had to choose between food for your family for the week or paying your insurance. Screw the family, pay your insurance.


That works.

Another penalty would be for the person who didn't pay the power bill on time. Your power gets turned off and you have to pay a new deposit on your lights. Add in a thirty dollar reconnection fee. Oh, and you have to pay the bill of course. You're looking at four hundred dollars depending on your past due bill. The power company gets away with this, of course. Why? Because they know you need them and they have a monopoly where you live. What are you going to do, switch companies?

There is plenty more. Start paying close attention. The poor are the ones who can't pay their bills. Why add more debt when it's obvious the bills are already stacking up? Quit penalizing people for being poor and find a new hobby America.

How Do You Measure Success

How long has an individual's potential and worth been measured by his wealth? Is the definition of success really centered around personal wealth?

I measure my merit by the impact I have on the people around me. A truly successful person is the one who has a packed church at his funeral.

My great grandmother had so many people at her funeral there were people lined against the wall. Shoulder to shoulder. Your shirt was soaked with everyone's tears. Two mile long procession of cars. That's a successful life. To touch that many people in one life time.

Money can be earned and lost. Your legacy lasts. When you die, the money does not follow you.

How many people are you leaving a lasting impression on?